Trace your foot on a piece of paper.

While it doesn't give a 100% guarantee of effectiveness, it can work visually.

  • Prepare - an A4 piece of paper, a pencil, a ruler or a tape measure,
  • stand your foot on the piece of paper,
  • outline your foot,
  • measure your foot from between the two furthest points for length and width.

To perfectly match the size of shoes, add 0.5 cm to the measured foot size, then the approximate insole length is obtained.< /p>

Each shoe is different in insole length, width, cut or material, so it will fit differently on your foot.

Keep in mind that each material or type of interior behaves differently.

Flip-flops, open-toe sandals and open-heel sandals, we can afford smaller size than in winter shoes, which must be definitely larger to put a thicker sock on the foot. We have to compromise with high heels, e.g. the point of the toe will be slightly squeezed.

You've been thinking about it for a long time, but you're still hesitating, go for it courage and order your first Glamours. If you've had a lot of failures, maybe you didn't know how to measure your foot or you forgot to add 0.5 cm to the length of the insole. With the tips above, it should go better.

It's time for your dream glamours! Good luck.